1 | 不过一切改变要到2013年才开始,所以美国人们在来年进行投票时对第一个问题依然没有一个确切的答案。 | Since the changes will not kick in until 2013, Americans will vote next year without being sure of the answer to the first question. | |
2 | 不像其他的富裕国家,美国缺乏自动稳定器,所以不能在经济不景气的时候进行干预以帮助促进需求。 | Unlike other rich countries, America lacks the "automatic stabilisers" that kick in during times of recession to help boost demand. | |
3 | 此时,最小组团就发挥作用了:正则引擎会放弃所有回溯位置。 | At this point, the atomic group will kick in . The engine will discard all backtracking positions. | |
4 | 此外,知道我们并不是孤独的大概会成为我们作为一个物种成长过程中所解不开的心结吧。 | Besides, knowing that we are not alone just might be the kick in the pants we need to grow up as a species. | |
5 | 大部分刺激措施应该在那时候实施。 | That was the time for a majority of the stimulus to kick in . | |
6 | 但是旨在获得欧盟成员国援助的改革却使军方的影响力在减弱。 | But the army’s influence has been waning as reforms aimed at winning European Union membership kick in . | |
7 | 但是中长期贷款也同样强劲上涨,这表明政府的经济刺激计划已经开始发挥作用。 | But medium- and long-term lending has also increased strongly, suggesting that the government’s stimulus package has started to kick in . | |
8 | 当其被政府的补偿计划纳入之后,设备的价格会变得可以接受也会更大范围的被使用。 | As government reimbursement schemes kick in , the device should become more affordable and widely available, he says. | |
9 | 当然,只有文件系统中存在空间让容器增长,自动调整大小组件才开始起作用。 | Of course, the auto-resize component will only kick in if there is space in the file system for the container to grow. | |
10 | 当我们面临严重挫折时,心理机制会自动帮助我们在这个形势下看到积极面。 | When we’re faced with serious setbacks, psychological mechanisms kick in to help us see positive aspects in the situation. | |
11 | 当我们停滞不前、墨守成规,需要被指导的时候,它就帮助我们制定一项行动计划。 | It’s when we’re stuck in that rut and need a kick in the pants that it helps to have an action plan. | |
12 | 当我判决意识发生作用的之前,我现在已经学着去读播客里的内容以及了解更多关于博客主的东西 | And I am now learning to read the content and read more about the blogger before allowing my judgemental mind to kick in . | |
13 | 低音的隆隆声很是响亮,吉他和鼓在响个不停。 | Then "Boom! " The guitars and drums kick in loud and rockin’! | |
14 | 第18届世界杯足球赛前场定位球进攻战术运用情况分析 | Analysis on Offensive Tactics of Place Kick in Front Field in the 18th World Football Cup | |
15 | 第18届世界足球锦标赛前场任意球攻守战术分析 | Analysis on the Offensive and Defensive Tactics of Front Region Free Kick in 18th World Soccer Cup | |
16 | 而汽车、空调等中产阶级用品大众市场的影响还没有计算在内。 | The impact from mass markets in middle-class trappings such as cars and air-conditioners has yet to kick in . | |
17 | 而且大部分的医改方案要到2012大选以后才真正开始实行。 | And much of the health reform plan won’t kick in until after the 2012 election. | |
18 | 而且在本金支付被激活之前还有足够的时间,从代表性的案例来看,还有五年或者更长。 | What is more, there is plenty of time before principal payments kick in : typically, five years or more. | |
19 | 而我们真正需要的,是对这一切说不。 | What we really need, in other words, is a swift kick in the pants. | |
20 | 负疚感又来了,但这只会有利我瘦身。 | The guilt has begun to kick in but it merely serves to gird my loins. | |
21 | 该想法新颖,并且聪明,但这需要真实潜在的网络效应规模才能产生作用。 | The idea is noble, and clever, but it needs scale for the true potential of network effects to kick in . | |
22 | 改革将于今年下半年开始生效。 | e. g. Reforms will kick in later this year. | |
23 | 计划好这些事情可以让你对10千米比赛作好准备,一旦出现赛前紧张也省得费心思去想(前面说的问题)。 | Dialing in all of these things will help you better prepare for the 10K, and avoid second guessing yourself if the race nerves kick in . | |
24 | 今年早些时候,奥巴马着手推行医疗改革方案,但大部分的措施要到2014年才能生效。 | Obama introduced a healthcare reform package earlier this year but most of the provisions are not due to kick in until 2014. | |
25 | 今天的特制“裤底无影腿派” | of today’s special, "Kick In The Pants Pie. " | |
26 | 尽管大部分女性在产后的几天可能会出现心情低落的状况,但真正的产后抑郁症可能会在六个月后发生。 | Although most women have a few days of ’baby blues’ shortly after birth, postnatal depression can kick in up to six months later. | |
27 | 尽管美国到处都在谈论那些“只欠东风”的基建项目,但基础设施项目支出的高潮还要过些时候才能到来。 | Spending on infrastructure is taking a while to kick in , despite all the talk of ’shovel ready projects. ’ Weaknesses in U. | |
28 | 利用这些深深的挫败感和愤怒刺激一下自己。让内心的想法宣泄出来。 | Use those moments of deep frustration and anger to give yourself a good old kick in the butt. Let that inner voice roar! | |
29 | 免费软件从虚拟包装中拿出来就能用,所以用户捐款的唯一动机就是注意到黄金法则后产生的兴奋。 | Freeware works right out of the virtual box, so a user’s sole incentive to kick in is the thrill of heeding the Golden Rule. | |
30 | 你将希望能有至少三名朋友。他们对你要十分了解,知道什么时候你需要安慰,什么时候需要“鞭笞”。 | You’ll want to choose a least three friends who know you well enough to know when you need comfort versus when you need a kick in the pants. |